All three of them crammed into the back seat. I woulda' made some room up front but I really didn't wanna. They argued back there the whole 15 minutes about different stupid shit so I just put them out of my mind until the transaction. At least they were semi quiet.
Took a dude to Best Buy who was going there for a job interview. I wonder how a job like that would be. I mean selling TV's and shtuff.
Took a dude out to Westwood. He seemed a little off, I dunno. The conversation had no flow to it. It was as if he didn't know how and just when to make a transition to another subject. That's the best way I can explain it.
Later I drove a young lady to a house and the address seemed very familiar. It occurred to me that I used to pick up a 5th grade girl there along with a bunch of other kids when I used to drive a nightmare school van for the company. I remembered her name and I asked "Are you Brenna??" She said she was her sister and I recalled that there were 3 little sisters.
They grow up too damn fast. I think their father used to drive a cab.