After a few errands and some meditation, contemplation and medication at precisely 3 o'clock I rolled out in unit 197. Its a good clean cab, I felt like I was gonna make a lot of money. The afternoon started slowly but steadily with good tips and cash was starting to flow through my veins. There was an elder lady headed home from the dentist. She was cool, talking about how this was all woods when she was a little girl. Then a businessman from, where was it, I forget.
Nextly, dispatch gives me a run going to the airport shuttle bus terminal and we were very late. He was extremely upset so I said hey sorry man and temporarily suspending a few traffic laws we got there with 2 minutes to spare. If I had got in any trouble I would have plead temporary insanity.
At 6 o'clock I drove a New Jersey couple to Fenway Park. Jersey Red Sox fans wearing Red Sox jerseys. I gave them my cell number and they said they'd call for me to come back and get 'em after the game. So, round about the eighth inning the dude calls and I head into town to meet them at a bar near the park. Well I was right there, right in front of the gosh darn place and we're calling each other back and forth a few times but we just can't seem to hook up. The cops kept on moving me along and saying things like "Move along." Now they're walking around, its total gridlock. Bedlum. 30 or 40 people wanted in, some of them pounding on the hood and the windows and I'm trying to locate what is now a moving target. Finally found them, great tip. Good night's work. Better night than Johnny Damon (Zero for four and an error) A hard day's night.Nextly, dispatch gives me a run going to the airport shuttle bus terminal and we were very late. He was extremely upset so I said hey sorry man and temporarily suspending a few traffic laws we got there with 2 minutes to spare. If I had got in any trouble I would have plead temporary insanity.