Yesterday I drove a guy to the bus station he was on his way to Manchester. His job is to pick up cars at certain locations and drive them usually long distances, mostly for executives. he was getting $500 to drive from there to Minneapolis. most of the gas and hotel costs are covered. Man, i would really like to try that. I went on line just now and filled out an application. That'd be different.
He must have told me 3 or 4 times that he is an independent contractor. I think people like to say that. Try it out, its a good way to begin a sentence.
He must have told me 3 or 4 times that he is an independent contractor. I think people like to say that. Try it out, its a good way to begin a sentence.
It was wicked slow today so I had talked with some of the other drivers. I had a continuation of an ongoing conversation with a co-worker which often includes such topics as physics, religion, insane animated TV shows, and girls with pigtails. This time we got into the subjects of God and the unusual properties of water.

Later I drove a regular customer to his cancer treatment and waited for him because its usually pretty quick in there. That treatment really kicks your ass. Such a nice dignified old timer we talked a little about the New Hampshire primary (he likes John McCain) and about the Patriots chances this weekend. he's a little worried about the Jags running game. I'm not.
Hi, it's me Chris. Thanks for including me in your blogger world. I've never done this before and I have no clue. I'm looking forward to hearing more about you.
Now, just a few words from and about me....
Let me know how you make out on the job application.......sounds like its right up your alley and good money. I'm sure being an "independent contractor" has its PERKS !!
I believe in God. I have been so blessed and I have God to thank. He gets me through lots of joys and sorrows. Prayer is powerful and works for me.
I've known too many people with Cancer and it makes me cry. My first cousin's son (must be my 2nd cousin) died in August 2007 from skin cancer at age 20. He had it for 4 years and went through so much pain and suffering. So many treatments. He had the best attitude and didn't complain once. Never moped around or felt sorry for himself. He was truly a saint in my eyes. He passed peacefully.
I'm not into politics much. I don't like to talk about.
I do believe the Pats will win but I'm with your friend, I'm a bit nervous about the game. I'm sure it will be a nail biter !!!
I hope you talk, talk, talk......I'm looking forward to getting to know you.
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