Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Tonight was my first night back driving after two weeks on the desk and it took a while to get back into the groove.
There was the usual assortment of humanity:
A young nurse going to work at a hospital and talking the whole time on her cell phone with an x-boyfriend telling him over and over about 10 times that they could be friends but that's all. Apparently he was very persistent.
There was the man traveling to New Jersey to work on installing systems that remove unwanted junk in the air in old buildings. They call that mechanical engineering.
There was the guy from Los Angeles with a ticket to the Celtics game saying he hopes there is a Celtics-Lakers final because although LA has been at or near the top for some time, its not the same without having the Celts to hate!
And then there was the lady in her pajamas who decided at the last minute to go home to her apartment rather than stay at her mom's house. She hoped her pajamas didn't bother me. I don't mind pajamas in fact I'm quite in favor of them. Once a week everyone should be allowed to wear them to work. Lets say Monday.

1 comment:

meg said...

cool video and i'm all for jammies too! WOO JAMMIES ON MONDAY! lol