Thursday, October 9, 2008


One was from Portugal and the other two from Japan which seems like an odd combination at first glance but when you think about it it still doesn't make sense.
The two Japanese dudes and I talked enthusiastically about baseball whilst the other guy, the odd man out of the conversation tried to fit in by saying he liked the Yankees and the Chicago Cubes [sic]
Later I retrieved an Australian couple from a hospital emergency room. The emergency was of a personal nature and will not be posted here. I assure you everyone is alright.
They are touring the US and Canada for seven weeks. Sounds like a nice trip. They told me some cool stuff about Australia because people like to talk about their own stuff.
A guy I used to work with but haven't seen in quite a while hopped in at the traffic light. He owes me forty or fifty bucks from three years ago and he knows it. He told me he'd pay me as soon as he could. I said that's okay if you can man but no worries. I owe people money too so I can't rightly expect other deadbeats to pony up. We got to the destination and he fumbled around for the fare but he was a little short.


meg said...

gekommen zu uns oder zu uns kommt zu Ihnen

ok, first off, what does that say? :)

One was from Portugal and the other two from Japan which seems like an odd combination at first glance but when you think about it it still doesn't make sense.

2nd - ^ HAHAHAHA

Cubes [sic]<-- omgosh - and the picture LOL, im not usually laughing in the morning (8:30am), but you sure can get me too!

The emergency was of a personal nature and will not be posted here

oo tell me!! (im awful)

hopped in at the traffic light.<---did he just jump in out of nowhere? that would've scared the crap out of me! lol

i think you are a great writer richie :)))

Richard said...

Its a slogan once used by the East German secret police meaning "come to us or we will come to you"
I got it after reading this article:

Richard said...

after all that, i changed the title