Sunday, December 7, 2008

Chicago Cab

This is a scene from the most accurate film I've seen about cab driving. It is called Chicago Cab but some bureaucrat in Hollywood changed the title to Hell Cab, I guess so it would sell more tickets. Very strange. The original title is perfect. Quite maddening. Anyway, firstly here are a few words from Roger Ebert's 1998 review followed by a clip. Thank you. Roll it Henry.
No name, no background, just a few insights when he talks to himself in the empty cab. Essentially he is a witness. I have had friends who drove cabs part-time. ``You wouldn't believe some of the stories,'' they say. When you do it full-time, for years and years, I suppose you have two choices: Become a saint, or tune out.

1 comment:

meg said...

hey rich. i like the name chicago cab much better too. and what a cool review. and THERE ARE SO MANY STORIES! i'm glad you are blogging them here :D