Tuesday, January 27, 2009

foolproof plan

Until [very] recently I'd been keeping track, in my tiny mind, just exactly how much snow had accumulated this winter. This is no longer either possible or necessary. How do I feel at this moment you ask? Tense. I have to move soon. There are so many details. The Devil Is in the details. I should give myself a break. And some credit. I don't know maybe you should too. Who are you anyway? Why are all these sentences so short?

Following a dreadfully cold and painfully depressing weekend Monday came as some relief. I drove a bunch of people around town [one or 2 at a time] and they payed me for my service. We talked and talked some more and they seemed an odd combination of emotions. They are worried about their jobs but they feel like something special is happening in Washington or maybe not. They are young. Going to college in Autumn. They are old and in pain. They went to the movies. They are Irish or originally from Bangor Maine. They are foreign workers on an oil tanker. They work at the mall. They voted for the other guy.
Sometimes they almost cry. And somehow it all works perfectly.


meg said...

you make me laugh so hard and think so deep and and...yah.

Richard said...

thank you very much :)

Anonymous said...

I need more blogging. Do you have writers block?

Richard said...

yeah sorry, i'm a little blocked up.

meg said...

there's medication for that.