At work I have been dispatching of late more than driving. It's Like being a waiter for a while and then going into the kitchen. I wish it would get busy. Come on now peoples get out there and take a cab. Sometimes it feels like a 'cab night' doesn't it?
Its kind of funny but I just simply haven't been thinking about anything at all lately. Its like being in a constant state of deep meditation with the mind cleared of all conscious thought. Seinfeld was a show about nothing and so is my life. I don't feel particularly happy or sad or anything at all.
I moved my bed against a different wall to make the room more agreeable. So I've got that going for me. Which is nice.
There are endless cable channels but I'll be damned if there's anything good to watch. Probably I'm just not trying hard enough. I should read a book but man I don't think I can wrap my head around anything just now.
I've been counting calories. I lost count yesterday.
What's up with the Red Sox? Is it too early to be worried or concerned? What's the difference between worry and concern?
Mommy make the voices go away. Just kidding.
Hey, I just had a thought.... okay its gone. Phew that was close.
No but seriously, isn't the news mind numbing lately? Is this the way the world is going to be from now on? How can anybody criticize the new prez this early in the game? Everything is Fubar thanks in large part to the previous owners.
I'll be right back.....
Sorry about that I had to get something from the car. I like the night.
Its so calm and still but with an element of danger. It would be nice to sit outside and watch the sky for a good long while. I just finished this painting. Its a little weird but so ain't yo face.
I moved my bed against a different wall to make the room more agreeable. So I've got that going for me. Which is nice.
There are endless cable channels but I'll be damned if there's anything good to watch. Probably I'm just not trying hard enough. I should read a book but man I don't think I can wrap my head around anything just now.
I've been counting calories. I lost count yesterday.
What's up with the Red Sox? Is it too early to be worried or concerned? What's the difference between worry and concern?
Mommy make the voices go away. Just kidding.
Hey, I just had a thought.... okay its gone. Phew that was close.
No but seriously, isn't the news mind numbing lately? Is this the way the world is going to be from now on? How can anybody criticize the new prez this early in the game? Everything is Fubar thanks in large part to the previous owners.
I'll be right back.....
Sorry about that I had to get something from the car. I like the night.

'cab night' doesn't it? ("Arby's Night". mm, actually that would be really good. wish there was one nearby :(
I moved my bed against a different wall to make the room more agreeable. So I've got that going for me. Which is nice.<---haha
There are endless cable channels but I'll be damned if there's anything good to watch. (i hate FIOS) I should read a book but man I don't think I can wrap my head around anything just now. (me too!)
I've been counting calories. I lost count yesterday.<--haha ur so funny
Hey, I just had a thought.... okay its gone. Phew that was close.----HAHAHA
No but seriously, isn't the news mind numbing lately? Is this the way the world is going to be from now on? ---i wonder too
I'll be right back.....
you literally make me "lol out loud" O_o
I just finished this painting. Its a little weird but so ain't yo face......
That's the most hideous painting ive ever seen (so ain't ma face?). i really love Van Gogh though. You should look him up sometime. I'm hungry.. Why am i blogging in the comment section of your blog?
love ya!
Vinny Van was the balls
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