Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Drove a Nigerian dude to the airport and he was concerned about all the extra security thanks to Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab. The guy made me wait over a half hour so I tacked on some waiting time, good thing too because he apparently never heard of tipping.
Can you 'tack on waiting time' at your job? It's a good benefit you should try it.
Then there were two ladies at the mall headed to the Marriott. Their English was very good and I really thought they were British but they started speaking Russian so I asked them, "Is that Russian"? They said yes how did you know and you know you can tell by the sound and the rhythm and whatnot.
A lot of guys at work are picking up second jobs. One guy started delivering pizza. I might have to make a move like that or pick up more hours.

1 comment:

Deb said...

Me likes your writin, Richie.