Tuesday, February 26, 2008


I started out the shift with a waitress heading home after a tough day. She'd been ripped off on a fifty dollar check by some kids who left a gift card on the table and split but there was no value on the card. It gets busy and I guess its easy to lose track of everyone and they got away. Little bastids.
Then everything started fitting together perfectly with one fare going into the airport and one coming back and that's pissa because I get to charge both of them for the Ted Williams Tunnel toll but only pay it once. Well, that's not really a big deal but its always nice to get paid both ways. The folks going home were Irish Americans returning from a visit there. There were 5 of them all together and it ain't all that legal to take that many people because there aren't enough seat belts. But there's what's right and there's what's right and so when we passed by the policeman at the entrance to the HOV lane one of the kids had to duck down and they all made the poor girl cry by telling her the police were going to take her away! Uh oh here they come! Oh No!

Then I took a couple guys into Boston Garden to catch a Bruins game. They had a few brews on the way in and I said I'd take care of the empties. The B's beat up the Sens by the way 4-0.
So I gets back to Braintree and pulls up in front of the Plaza and I gets out to get rid of the beer cans and somehow, for some weird reason I throws my keys away with the trash.
At the same moment a gentleman comes up and wants a ride to Copley Place, so the two of us are picking through the garbage looking for the keys.
We found them and off we went and this is turning into a good money night.
This guy has lived in India, England, Africa, New York, Boston, Scotland and I forget where else. He imports fish, mostly from South America to Africa and is in town for the big Fish Convention. He talked about a great paying job he once had in banking and that one day he just up and quit on the spot to become a fisherman in the Shetland Islands in Scotland. It was a very inspiring story that made me think man I could do anything I want. Anything. Dammit why don't I? Because of fear? Why? WHY?!

I went back to the Plaza and picked up two nice young college girls. You know, nice.
They had purchased a puppy at the mall and on the ride home were thinking of possible names for him. They settled on Charlie because he looked like a Charlie. I said for them to be sure to pronounce it with a Boston accent because he's a Boston dog. Chahlie. Am I right? But, they were from somewhere else so the pooch will probably forever be Charrrrlie. Poor little guy.

I hope everyone is doing fine and winning all their private battles.
Buona notte.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

keys in trash = LOL (sorry :x)

little puppy = cuuute