Someone once said that random numbers are too important to be left up to chance.
I just re-watched the movie Grand Canyon, always a favorite. Probably seen it 5 or more times. The film somehow fit into a theme that's been running around my brain and sometimes that theme or whatever you wanna call it is more clear and concrete than it is right now. I can't really think because it's 3:00am Sunday and I feel weirdly awake but I know I'll be sleeping soon.
This theme has something to do with feeling alright about feeling bad, but that's not it exactly. There's more to it than that, and less. Maybe we'll come back to that thought.
I feel really fortunate to know all the people I know and I guess that'd probably include you, whoever you are reading this right now.
I'm sure everyone wonders what would've happened if things unfolded differently in their lives. I mean, what would it look like? A different job? Different car?
And you know, I feel some loss there about missed opportunities. Should have studied harder in school. Should have stood and fought instead of run away. Shouldn't have eaten that lead paint. If it were possible, yeah I would edit out and add a few things into this whole life thing. But, mostly I'd keep everything the same. I wouldn't want to have missed all the misfits and weirdos, jokers and geniuses I've met.
When it comes to my family I hit the lottery. Every single one of them from 7 to 78, is a gift that I'm grateful for beyond words.
And I'm really grateful for those moments when everything seems okay. Even perfect.
I just re-watched the movie Grand Canyon, always a favorite. Probably seen it 5 or more times. The film somehow fit into a theme that's been running around my brain and sometimes that theme or whatever you wanna call it is more clear and concrete than it is right now. I can't really think because it's 3:00am Sunday and I feel weirdly awake but I know I'll be sleeping soon.
This theme has something to do with feeling alright about feeling bad, but that's not it exactly. There's more to it than that, and less. Maybe we'll come back to that thought.
I feel really fortunate to know all the people I know and I guess that'd probably include you, whoever you are reading this right now.
I'm sure everyone wonders what would've happened if things unfolded differently in their lives. I mean, what would it look like? A different job? Different car?
And you know, I feel some loss there about missed opportunities. Should have studied harder in school. Should have stood and fought instead of run away. Shouldn't have eaten that lead paint. If it were possible, yeah I would edit out and add a few things into this whole life thing. But, mostly I'd keep everything the same. I wouldn't want to have missed all the misfits and weirdos, jokers and geniuses I've met.
When it comes to my family I hit the lottery. Every single one of them from 7 to 78, is a gift that I'm grateful for beyond words.
And I'm really grateful for those moments when everything seems okay. Even perfect.
1 comment:
im thankful for you too richie. i've never seen Grand Canyon. guess i should eh?
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