Wednesday, August 20, 2008

smoke solid

Today there was this really weird family going to the airport for a trip to Vegas. They were big, loud talkers with a lot of phlegm in their heads. Two big goofy athletic boys saying dumb things with their phlegm-ish voices. Dumb parents saying dumb things to each other, and they all live in this big dumb house. Here's hoping they have a great time and win a few rounds of blackjack so they can buy some cough syrup.
Later I took a lady from the Police Station back to the mall where she had been busted for shoplifting earlier in the day. She went on and on about how it was all a misunderstanding. Her story was so polished and perfect that she had me believing her but its the judge tomorrow, not me, that she'll have to persuade.
Then I drove this dude who said he was a food runner and I said what's a food runner. He runs the food out from the kitchen to the tables and he says he really likes the job. He seemed a bit too old and maybe overqualified for such an occupation but if a person likes what he/she is doing for work then that's a home run man. I can relate to that.
After I dropped him at the subway station these 4 southern women crammed into the cab screaming and laughing in wicked heavy southern accents. I think one of them farted.


meg said...

He runs the food out from the kitchen to the tables (isnt that a waiter?? O_0 )and he says he really likes the job. He seemed a bit too old and maybe overqualified for such an occupation but if a person likes what he/she is doing for work then that's a home run man. I can relate to that.--------AMEN!!!!!!! i wholeheartedly agree!!!!!!

After I dropped him at the subway station these 4 southern women crammed into the cab screaming and laughing in wicked heavy southern accents. I think one of them farted.---------HAHAHAHAHA!

Richard said...

think about it, a lot of times someone else brings the food.

meg said...

oh, i think i know what you mean now.