Zimbabwe used to be called Rhodesia and was a British colony until 1980. There was a little bit of fighting but Britain granted the country independence which makes it and America the only two former British colonies that are completely independent of their former host. I drove a dude to the airport that was from there originally but he lives in Norwood now. I told him I was born in Norwood. Which is true.
Later I happened to be heading to Faulkner Hospital with a package on ice from Harvard Vanguard 'till all of a sudden there arose such a clatter. There was a car fully engulfed in flames. A few cars passed by it but I didn't because it was cooking for real and I could hear pops, like little explosions. Pop pop pop. Others were on the scene first and dialing 9-1-1. I fished out my camera and rolled some video, praying to any being who may be greater than myself, that no one was inside the car. Afterward I called Channel 5 and told them I had some video of a car fire but they said it wasn't news unless there was more to the story than a burning car.
"Today I'd like to discuss that shuttle craft that that they use at bank drive-ups."
Oh i hate those, i never know how to use them lol
"there arose such a clatter."
wow, i assume there wasnt anyone in the car. man, that stuff gives me the chills when i see it. it was good of you to stop and call 911. i've had to do that before and they always tell me they already know about the incident lol. but i guess its good tho because you never know. i'm glad there wasnt anything more to the story, but that would've been cool if they used your video eh? eh!
i wonder if they pay for video like that, eh?
but it was pretty shaky.
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