Monday, May 4, 2009

trying to smile

Went to work today like I always do, like I have since my first paper route in the 5th grade. My work has always been menial. Nothing of great importance to society. The world would have been just fine without me but I kept going back to the warehouse, the sub shop, the lumber yard, the taxi yard. Almost every day. Almost always on time. I'll never be able to retire because I've never made enough money to be able to save any of it. Just enough to live. That's my fault. I think I'm probably intelligent enough to have had some sort of 'career' as so many millions have and will but maybe I lacked something else. Some competitiveness. Assertiveness. Such wonderful qualities.
I love driving a cab because it lets me meet people I never would have met otherwise. I've talked about this before but its on my mind. I stay at this company because its what I know how to do.
I'm not built for the brand of negativity that permeates the dim lit offices of my company and its tearing my soul and my mind apart.
The company has taken on the paranoid personality of its owner.
Today, there it was again. The negativity. It feels like a living thing. It feeds on fear. I wanted to run but I walked to my car and went home. Just for a few hours. I have to go back in a while.
I'll shut up now.
Some people have 'real' problems.

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