Saturday, May 23, 2009

unspecific fruitlessness

Saturday is always a bust. And that leads to a busted weekend. Getting home from work at 3:00am causes a chain reaction because all I really want to do is sleep all day Saturday. I try very hard not to let that happen. Doing something, any activity will stop a likely slide into depression. I decided to go to a movie ~ picked one that looked interesting. It was playing in Cambridge giving it an added bonus ~ the act of going to the city which is really an activity itself, is it not?
There was horrendous traffic on the expressway and it became apparent that I was never going to make it there in time. That's alright man, the movie was just one idea. There's millions of things to do on a day off.
Through modern technology I came to find out that a friend at work had been fired over a matter of eleven dollars. I guess feelings were hurt and the F bomb started flying ~ it escalated like Vietnam and the jobless rate in Massachusetts increased by another fraction.
I started to think maybe I should go over there and drive a cab for a shift. Some extra cash, maybe a few laughs and in the process try to smooth things out between my terminated friend and our detestable employer. I hung around the office for a while but business seemed slow ~ instead of a taxi I got back in my own car. Still without a plan drove around town a bit digging the sunshine and the music on the radio. Sat idly in a parking lot facing the street and the tracks watching cars and trains, generally feeling good at least about being out of the apartment. Watching the world. Watching the wheels go 'round and 'round and sipping my iced coffee.

I rung up my recently dismissed cohort and we decided to go to a movie after all. He vented some frustration which is cool ~ I like to listen. It's a hobby.
The movie sucked.
I went home, cooked up some supper and watched Little Miss Sunshine on cable (Don't apologize Olive, it's a sign of weakness)
Well, what am I supposed to do now? Goodnight and thanks for reading my continuing non-adventures.

1 comment:

Meg said...

i really enjoy your non adventures. you write very well richie. im glad you found a lot to do that day. it's so easy to get into a rut. just look at me o.O blahhhhhhhhh