Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Ancient hand grenades

Drove a dude from Braintree to his home in Hingham, he'd been golfing in Florida. He said the older ya get the longer Winter seems to feel and I had to agree. Must be great to be able to get away like that for a weekend. His only problem is that somehow he's on the 'no fly list' and there's absolutely no reason for it but his name is not uncommon so I guess its a mistake in identity of some sort. So its a big hassle every time and there's nothing he can do about it.
I drove a young lady to Randolph who was originally from a small town in Kansas and I said that's wicked cool and told her about the time I broke down there.
That was during one of the great road trips me and my friends took but that's a story for another time.
I did a few other fares and then ended up dispatching for the rest of the shift and the night went by pretty fast after that.
I'm still pretty much wide awake so I'm watching Ancient Discoveries on the History Channel. Here's a fun fact: The Chinese invented hand grenades thousands of years ago.

and now a cartoon


Anonymous said...

Niiiiiiiiiiice cartoon, "Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore !"

Anonymous said...

and who saw the movie Planet of the Apes with you the first time?

Richard said...

my little sister carol :)

Anonymous said...

Great work.