Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Picked up the lady going to the airport. She got three words out before I smiled and said "Minnesota!" Easiest accent to pick out on the planet.
Like so many others she is having trouble accepting Brett Farvre after routing against him so hard for so long. "Not to worry" I said, "That bag of bones will break down like last year and you won't even make the playoffs."
Later I drove Laura home from Chili's. Seems like she works doubles every day. Triples even (do they have triples?)
Then I helped some old bag lug groceries up 3 floors. Well, there was an elevator, but still. The look on her face when I grabbed all the bags at once was priceless. It probably took her seven hours and three quarters of her social security check to buy the lot and I grab it like its a sandwich (the plastic bags make it easy)

Drove a dude up to North Quincy and we got to talking a little and he asked me where I'm from so I said Sharon originally. Oh are you Jewish? No I was raised Protestant but I'm not really religious in fact I think I'm an atheist. He started getting upset and told me I shouldn't say that. Why not? Its a fun thing to say. What does he know for sure that I don't?
Lastly I grabbed a Brockton out of the T, a decent fellow, just missed his bus. Bad for him good for me.

Friday, October 30, 2009


Got home 'round three Thursday morning but couldn't quite sleep I don't know why. Finally got a few hours of bad sleep in the afternoon but had to go out and do some errands and stuff and then work. Home an hour now thinking about nothing old movie on.
Outside cold darkness another rush hour just starting people waking rubbing their eyes and scratching their privates. Highway will be jammed with broken heroes but it is the moment right before insanity.
That. Perfect. Moment.

I worked, drove for two hours and dispatched for three more. One fare, the dude was leaving from a trivia tournament where he felt like some people were cheating somehow.
I had to ask: Can I try? What was one of the questions?
So he thinks for a minute and he says okay then.............................. in the movie "Office Space" how many minimum 'pieces of flare' was Jennifer Aniston's character required to wear during her shift as a waitress? I said fifteen. I was right.
Then I had a Cotton Ave to the Moose Lodge. DAV to McCusker. Legal Seafood to the QAT.
Dispatched a total of maybe 5 calls. Went outside and had a smoke. Somebody spoke and I went into a dream.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

One's real life is often the life that one does not lead

Well anyway, after playing night dispatcher for 2 months its back in the saddle again and not a minute too soon. I don't recall a more selfish and childish group than some of the drivers we have around these days and I wont miss dealing with them. Time and time again they would pack up and go home without even asking, leaving me short to get killed when it got busy later in the night.
I felt just like a substitute teacher but without the power even to send them to the Principal's office. The last bunch were great guys and we had fun and we got the job done. I dunno, maybe its the times we're in. Everyone is on edge.
Tonight there were only a few local unremarkable runs because I'd spent most of the evening at rehearsal for a play that I am involved in. It is only a very small part but it continues to be a wonderful experience.

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Do ya ever feel like just a complete idiot? Me neither but last night I really screwed up by dispatching a good call to the wrong driver. The goal is to get an even amount of work for all the drivers. It's the measure of a good dispatcher.
Well, what happened is there was one dude who was whining all night even though I thought he was doing pretty well. Someone told me that he was livid about something I had said or done wrong and that word really got to me. How often does a person become livid? Jesus.
The word, that word bounced around in my brain for a while until, finally, I gave the big job to livid man instead of the driver who really deserved it, needed it to make a decent night.
I apologized and tried to explain myself but man when you're wrong you can't hide. I should be able to make things even over the next few nights.
I feel so damn bad. But the lesson here is, well, never feel bad.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Monday, September 14, 2009

The people protesting health care reform are the same geniuses that doubt evolution. They are sure about their beliefs beyond any doubt and nothing ever needs to be debated. The insurance industry shouldn't be impeded in any way lest we risk (gasp) socialism.
Besides, hospitals can not refuse to treat anyone. And, well gosh darn it we have the greatest health care system in the world.

The next insipid twit that tries to feed me any of this crap is gonna need health care for his face. Leave your address along with any comment so that I can drop by with some flowers.

Friday, July 10, 2009


Yeah, so alright I'm back from whatever planet I was on last night. Planet Self Pity. Tonight started off with a group of three, drove them to the airport through great swaths of traffic. Twemendous twaffic. No AC, hot as hell windows all rolled down. Cab making grinding and clunking noises. Growling and burping.
So where are you folks from?
Oh very nice.
Have you been there?
No. Well, the airport I think. Its a nice airport.
Yes yes. (I should have asked them how Mary Tyler Moore is doing)

By the time I got back, Emil had finished his shift with unit 199. I like the one-nine-niner so I switched cabs and pick up four hombres from Honduras going to Gillette Stadium. There is a football (soccer) match Saturday at the stadium and these guys are part of the Honduran sports media. They yammered in Spanglish most the way. The one who spoke the most English, I think he was the leader, asked about getting a ride back later so I explained our strict policy of requiring pre-payment for such a trip and he just said "No."
(we can't afford to be driving 40 miles round trip for nothing when people so often disapear under mysterious circumstances)
So, when they called for a ride back the dispatcher told them "No."
After a few local runs I grabbed a couple slices and a Coke and did local work the rest of the shift.
Starting tomorrow I'll be the night dispatcher for 3 weeks whilst Dave plays army. Looking forward to some guarenteed moneys. Mucho dinero.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

prop me up with another pill

Work is as slow as its ever been, there is just nothing out there. I'm making 50% less money than I was twenty years ago - who else do you know that can say that?
And as if to add gasoline to the fire two extra drivers were called in on their off night tonight. I should be upset and I am but only at myself for still being here doing this job. I don't know what else to do. Its been so long I don't know how to do anything else.
There seems such a struggle between rage and hope.
But there is still kindness and karma. Music and beauty and laughter. Maybe love.

Friday, June 12, 2009


An appointment with the Doctor this morning made this a longer day. A few pokes and probes, a little blood a little urine. The usual. Doc just give me the usual.
After a few errands and some meditation, contemplation and medication at precisely 3 o'clock I rolled out in unit 197. Its a good clean cab, I felt like I was gonna make a lot of money. The afternoon started slowly but steadily with good tips and cash was starting to flow through my veins. There was an elder lady headed home from the dentist. She was cool, talking about how this was all woods when she was a little girl. Then a businessman from, where was it, I forget.
Nextly, dispatch gives me a run going to the airport shuttle bus terminal and we were very late. He was extremely upset so I said hey sorry man and temporarily suspending a few traffic laws we got there with 2 minutes to spare. If I had got in any trouble I would have plead temporary insanity.
At 6 o'clock I drove a New Jersey couple to Fenway Park. Jersey Red Sox fans wearing Red Sox jerseys. I gave them my cell number and they said they'd call for me to come back and get 'em after the game. So, round about the eighth inning the dude calls and I head into town to meet them at a bar near the park. Well I was right there, right in front of the gosh darn place and we're calling each other back and forth a few times but we just can't seem to hook up. The cops kept on moving me along and saying things like "Move along." Now they're walking around, its total gridlock. Bedlum. 30 or 40 people wanted in, some of them pounding on the hood and the windows and I'm trying to locate what is now a moving target. Finally found them, great tip. Good night's work. Better night than Johnny Damon (Zero for four and an error) A hard day's night.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

title soon

Look at them. Ordinary people I hate 'em. Spending their time avoiding tense situations. Cabbie spends his time getting in to tense situations. Just kidding. I wonder if this whole thing isn't an elaborate high tech motion picture using ultra high definition sounds and pictures projected inside our brains whilst some immense computer makes it all seem real and interactive.
I didn't do very well financially out there tonight. Nothing tense or interesting. Spent a lot of the time picking apart and analyzing pieces of a nightmare I had last night. One of those vivid ones.
I drove the semi-grouchy lady we take every day up to the Alzheimer's apartments in Quincy. Must be a hard job. Took a gent to Weymouth who wasn't feeling well. Some pain in his chest and dizziness. He's going to the doctor tomorrow. Says he eats nothing but fat and sugar, smokes and never exercises.
Drove a semi-grouchy lady to Holbrook. She has spoke to me one time in 10 years. Total silence. See how you like it [obscure "Fargo" reference]
I drove 3 Reebok people to their hotel and listened to them talk about how they're not allowed to wear any competitors shirts or hats or anything. Adidas owns Reebok so those are the only 2 brands they can wear. Strange but true.
Then there were these nice folks from England looking for a Mexican Restaurant so I took them to a nice little one. My guess is that they did not enjoy it because they tipped me six dollars on the way there but only 50 cents on the way back. It was enjoyable the last time I went there. Very authentic, excellent service. Top notch. That was more than a decade ago, it may have gone a bit down hill.
I'm sorry beatch.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Determinedly I planted myself right in front of the shopping mall. No one will escape. Much patience and then a fare to East Milton.
Then a real nice job: Dunkin Donuts main office in Canton to Boston, sixty- eight bucks and a ten dollar tip. Sweet. Then I picked up a food order from Legal Seafood ~ just one big bag for Focus On Boston. They're the folks who interrogate people about products and packaging. Anyway, I drop the bag of fish and I says "here lady, focus on this."
The rest of the night passed swiftly. The last run was a dude who ran out of gas and he was wicked bummed out, he just wanted to get home and sleep. I told him about the time I ran out of gas in a blizzard way out there miles from anything but that didn't make this poor dude feel any better.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


First fare today ~ lady says she only has two bucks. Okay come on get in what the hell who cares. The next one was a six dollar ride and by the looks of him I didn't expect any tip but I was wrong in fact he reached deep.
C'est la vie say the old folks, it goes to show you never can tell.
Two more short fares both senior citizens ~ ten percent off. Then the big one ~ a forty dollar job to Brockton.
Grabbed a sandwich at Dunkin Donuts ~ bacon, egg and cheese on a wheat bagel. Untoasted. I like to taste the soft bread. Its too crunchy when they toast it. Never toast anything that's what I say.
Back to work. Some college kid after a job interview. People are never so relieved as after being interviewed. What a horrible thing to have to go through. Maybe I'm exaggerating. Followed that up with a 12 dollar run ~ a Hindu dude from the Korean Market to the hotel. I should have been Hindu but its too late now.
A young couple from out of town to the station. Tried to sell them on a "nice quick ride" into town but they didn't go for it. Can't blame a guy for trying.
Sitting there for a minute in the station getting organized etc and a guy walks up ~ wants to go to Brighton. I told him that's fifty bucks flat plus the tolls but that's way to much. Take the train I said, you're right here (subway station) but he took the ride half way. Not everything or everybody makes sense all the time.
Three workers from the Cheesecake Factory ended my day and I was exhausted from not sleeping very well the night before and driving up from the Cape in wicked heavy holiday traffic.
Someone said I seemed deflated.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

unspecific fruitlessness

Saturday is always a bust. And that leads to a busted weekend. Getting home from work at 3:00am causes a chain reaction because all I really want to do is sleep all day Saturday. I try very hard not to let that happen. Doing something, any activity will stop a likely slide into depression. I decided to go to a movie ~ picked one that looked interesting. It was playing in Cambridge giving it an added bonus ~ the act of going to the city which is really an activity itself, is it not?
There was horrendous traffic on the expressway and it became apparent that I was never going to make it there in time. That's alright man, the movie was just one idea. There's millions of things to do on a day off.
Through modern technology I came to find out that a friend at work had been fired over a matter of eleven dollars. I guess feelings were hurt and the F bomb started flying ~ it escalated like Vietnam and the jobless rate in Massachusetts increased by another fraction.
I started to think maybe I should go over there and drive a cab for a shift. Some extra cash, maybe a few laughs and in the process try to smooth things out between my terminated friend and our detestable employer. I hung around the office for a while but business seemed slow ~ instead of a taxi I got back in my own car. Still without a plan drove around town a bit digging the sunshine and the music on the radio. Sat idly in a parking lot facing the street and the tracks watching cars and trains, generally feeling good at least about being out of the apartment. Watching the world. Watching the wheels go 'round and 'round and sipping my iced coffee.

I rung up my recently dismissed cohort and we decided to go to a movie after all. He vented some frustration which is cool ~ I like to listen. It's a hobby.
The movie sucked.
I went home, cooked up some supper and watched Little Miss Sunshine on cable (Don't apologize Olive, it's a sign of weakness)
Well, what am I supposed to do now? Goodnight and thanks for reading my continuing non-adventures.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


Drinking some Gatorade and thinking about my Dad in the hospital. He had a knee replacement on Wednesday and for some reason they can't give him as much morphine as necessary because of something to do with the anesthesia. I hope he's comfortable and sleeping. I hope they start cranking up the pain stuff. Looking forward to seeing him Sunday at the rehab hosp.

It is now 24 hours later and Pops is doing much better.

Monday, May 4, 2009

trying to smile

Went to work today like I always do, like I have since my first paper route in the 5th grade. My work has always been menial. Nothing of great importance to society. The world would have been just fine without me but I kept going back to the warehouse, the sub shop, the lumber yard, the taxi yard. Almost every day. Almost always on time. I'll never be able to retire because I've never made enough money to be able to save any of it. Just enough to live. That's my fault. I think I'm probably intelligent enough to have had some sort of 'career' as so many millions have and will but maybe I lacked something else. Some competitiveness. Assertiveness. Such wonderful qualities.
I love driving a cab because it lets me meet people I never would have met otherwise. I've talked about this before but its on my mind. I stay at this company because its what I know how to do.
I'm not built for the brand of negativity that permeates the dim lit offices of my company and its tearing my soul and my mind apart.
The company has taken on the paranoid personality of its owner.
Today, there it was again. The negativity. It feels like a living thing. It feeds on fear. I wanted to run but I walked to my car and went home. Just for a few hours. I have to go back in a while.
I'll shut up now.
Some people have 'real' problems.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

6,777,126,643 (people on the planet)

You should hear the messages my boss left on my voice mail the other night. He was drunk and he was saying how mad he was at me. I was called things that I'm pretty sure I've never been called before. Terrible crazy things. Well, I learned a long time ago not to pay any attention to anything he says.
In reality, this man is mad at himself. His soul is mad. He's getting crazier with each passing day. The butter is slipping off of the noodles.
I wish him, and everyone in the world, peace and loving kindness.
I'm going to begin working every other Saturday night to help boost my economy. It sucks because I truly like my weekends but I'm gonna get myself a vacation this Summer. Somehow, some way. You'll see.
Happy Birthday BFD

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


At work I have been dispatching of late more than driving. It's Like being a waiter for a while and then going into the kitchen. I wish it would get busy. Come on now peoples get out there and take a cab. Sometimes it feels like a 'cab night' doesn't it?
Its kind of funny but I just simply haven't been thinking about anything at all lately. Its like being in a constant state of deep meditation with the mind cleared of all conscious thought. Seinfeld was a show about nothing and so is my life. I don't feel particularly happy or sad or anything at all.
I moved my bed against a different wall to make the room more agreeable. So I've got that going for me. Which is nice.
There are endless cable channels but I'll be damned if there's anything good to watch. Probably I'm just not trying hard enough. I should read a book but man I don't think I can wrap my head around anything just now.
I've been counting calories. I lost count yesterday.
What's up with the Red Sox? Is it too early to be worried or concerned? What's the difference between worry and concern?
Mommy make the voices go away. Just kidding.
Hey, I just had a thought.... okay its gone. Phew that was close.
No but seriously, isn't the news mind numbing lately? Is this the way the world is going to be from now on? How can anybody criticize the new prez this early in the game? Everything is Fubar thanks in large part to the previous owners.
I'll be right back.....
Sorry about that I had to get something from the car. I like the night. Its so calm and still but with an element of danger. It would be nice to sit outside and watch the sky for a good long while. I just finished this painting. Its a little weird but so ain't yo face.

Friday, March 27, 2009


After a horrendous night last night, today was non stop.
The day started with a couple to the airport heading to Las Vegas. I think the Mrs. was a little embarrassed at her husband's inclination toward profanity. His speech was peppered with malediction revealing his ignorance and immaturity. That doesn't make him a bad person. I hope they have a safe and memorable getaway.
Picked up some boring business people at the airport headed back to the office after a 24 hour Chicago excursion. Next I was dispatched to South Shore Hospital to pick up a woman who is a regular rider with us. The first few times I had her we talked quite a bit but now she's always quiet. She's going through some very hard times because her ex husband has decided he'd rather be in prison than pay child support.
I had to switch cars because mine had a bad tire. A slow leak that wasn't slow enough. If you took all the parts from all the cabs in the company you might be able to build one nice car.
Cruised on down to the mall and found two ladies from California going to the Hilton. They can't wait to go home because its so cold here. I looked up the weather in Los Angeles and found that it was 66 degrees. Exactly 17 degrees warmer than here. Crybabies.
After them I picked up a dude at a local watering hole. He was hammered but a happy drunk. He asked me if I had any cocaine (fresh out) and then kept trying to pass me his bottle of Jack Daniels.
"Come on take a sip, just a sip!" Weren't those Lady Dianna's exact words to her driver that fateful night in Paris?? Anyway, the good news is that this gentleman has had his license suspended for life. Life! Ha ha! Wow.
Next up was a sweet little Asian girl, she told me a little about her home town in the Northeast part of Thailand close to Laos. I said it sounds very beautiful. She giggled and thanked me. Her English is less than perfect and my Thai is even worse so it is very possible she thought I was saying that she herself is very beautiful. An awkward moment indeed.
Later there was an older woman and her husband and they needed to get to the hospital. Its pretty common for folks to call a cab when they actually belong in an ambulance because its just so much cheaper and this was one of those cases. It seems she had fell out of a tree and landed on a chain link fence. This happened a few days ago and only now that the pain is intolerable did she decide to get checked out. She was off and on screaming so I drove as fast as I could. It was a free pass to speed because if I had been pulled over I could simply have said "Stand aside officer, this is a medical emergency! Escort us if you care!"

Friday, March 20, 2009


I had had a bad bad feeling, sure enough the dude ran off. Twenty Eight bucks he owed me the bastard. It happened ninety minutes ago and I am still pissed off about it. Ahhhhh!! I have to admit I'm more embarrassed than angry because I wasted my precious limited energy engaging in a fake conversation. I fell for the old fake out. It happens.
The night was a miserable one. Raining. No work. Evil spirits all around. The Bruins blew a 2-0 lead in the third period and from my place in the cab stand I watched train after train unload herds of disheartened Hockey fans. Grumble grumble.
It was wicked boring in the station so I took a couple photos with my phone. The one one the left came out well. She saw me trying to sneak a picture but I did anyway when she looked away. Is it so wrong? Probably. Oh well, who cares. Our dispatcher of late is horrendous and horrible and pretty bad too. Words keep flying out his mouth hitting my body like darts and BB's. Please for the love of Jesus, Shut Up Greg!
There were not any interesting fares and I hardly made any money. But it happens. Still can't believe I fell for that fake out.
In my time as a driver, these past few years have brought the best bunch of cabbies to the scene. A random mix of peculiar personalities tossed together in a weird and tragic drama. A bunch of chuckle heads, we are always arguing and laughing but we care about each other. I can only think of a few times in my life when I've felt very comfortable at work. Murray Pipe was like that back in 1980 to 1982.
Well, now this group is starting to break up. Had to happen some time but it is a loss and I do feel sad about it. What can one do, these kinds of things happen.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

orchestral velocity

A lady tried to give me two shamrock shaped chocolates for Saint Patrick's day but my Mommy always told me over and over never to take candy from strangers.
Later I picked up a man with shaved head off the airport bus. If you are going to go for that look I'm quite sure you have to shave your head every day and shine it up with some kind of special wax. I could be wrong. This was a 20 minute ride and it was quiet in the cab, both of us a million miles away and content not to talk. And that damn head back there just shining and reflecting the sun. Refracting colors in my eyes. "Pretty decent day, eh?" I finally said.
"No, this sucks I just left 85 degrees." We drove on.
A few minutes later I mentioned that Springtime is just around the corner but he just looked disgusted and irritated and I think he swore at me. Later for you mirror-head.
Then there were two guys headed for the Dropkick Murphys concert. Tonight's was the final show cleverly meant to coincide with St. Patties and all that. One of them was wearing a kilt and had bagpipes and the other one had a harp (harmonica) and they played some music for me on the way to Boston. It was pretty cool. Except for that kilt.

Friday, March 13, 2009

thank you jesus

One time I got pulled over by a cop in an unmarked SUV. After dropping his kid at school (using a public vehicle I might add) He made an illegal u-turn right in front of me and not knowing he was the "the heat" I sort of called him on it by pulling up fast right behind him.
So, on go the blue lights and I get that queasy "getting pulled over by the cops" feeling and here he comes: Huge, scary storm (woops) state trooper. Pointing to the statue of Jesus in front of the school he says "That is a statue of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and that is the only reason that I am not ripping your heart out of your chest right now."
I knew I didn't do anything terribly wrong and what I should have done is tell him I didn't really do anything wrong and report his badge number to his superior but I was just so happy to be alive that I didn't say anything. I sat there dumbfounded and if you know me personally you can picture that clearly in your mind.
He promised that if he ever even saw me again he would write a ticket for a thousand dollars. I guess they can do that. Thankfully I have not crossed this constables path since that time thus avoiding a fine of $1000.00 which I could never afford.

A few months later someone described to me an eerily similar experience happening to them.
Apparently no one has been able to stop him.
There's no denying the efficiency of fascism.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

it is a sad and beautiful world

Had two fares tonight only.
One ignorant woman from Marshalls to the mall. One mental patient from Holiday Inn to the liquor store and back.
Called on to dispatch I did not hesitate to fulfill my duties.
Billy, as it happens took a fall in the snow whilst recruiting his mail. He is alright.
Our good friend and colleague passed last week. Farewell Steve [the cat] Morris.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

move, the

Moving sucks but I had to find a new place to live. After looking around a little and not finding anything interesting or affordable I remembered a buddy who I knew had some rental units. It worked out perfectly because he and his wife had a one bedroom available. I've been living here for one week now. Everything, all my crap is in boxes and milk crates but who cares I'll get to that some day. The move itself went very smooth because I was lucky enough to have had three good strong friends to help me [you know who you are, a thousand thank yous]
So this thing called life continues but from a new location. From here I will continue to ponder the meaning of that life.
I'll get back to you on that.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Another slow night at work it was.
I had a car repair bill of almost $900. Oh well, what can ya do? It is what it is man. These are superficial things. My sister was so kind as to loan me her car for a few days while she was away on business.
Well, I had to get a ride to work one more time so I called and asked Dave to send someone cool. He sent this woman who has been driving a taxi for quite a while and unfortunately that is all she capable of talking about. And talk she does. Non stop. There is no way to interject a new thought or premise as she goes on and on about this and that and then this happened and that happened. A right bloody nightmare it was, an unsettling way to start the day but it is what it is.
Once safely in my cab I gave my buddy Tim a ride home to Whitman. Tim is great theater and the conversation swung from religion to science to cartoons and back again.
When I got back into town I got a request to pick up Ashlyn [an anglicized/americanized version of the Irish Aisling] who is one of our favorite regular customers indeed.
Later me and crazy Eddie talked about movies, particularly "Down By Law." Ed believes that guys talk about movies more than women do and I suspect he has a point but I can't say I understand why that might be.

I found myself near a sort of fast food Thai restaurant so I grabbed some crispy sesame chicken, broccoli and brown rice and listened to the Celtics game whilst dining on this magnificent feast in the parking lot. The C's beat the Hornets 89-77 maintaining a healthy 14 game lead in the division. The food made me so tired that I nodded off for about a half hour. Once you hit 50 this tends to happen more frequently.
There were only a few more fares, one was a nice lady from Alberta who has had Oilers season tickets for many years.
Soon the drunkards began to emerge from the shadows and I got them all home safe and sound.
You know what I'd like right now? A nice cup of tea. I recon I've drank less than 50 cups of tea in my whole life. They say green tea particularly is very good for you. When I get settled in my new apartment I'm gonna stock some tea.

I had a fare the other night and we were talking about Amsterdam because that's where the dude just came from. I asked what he did for work. "I'm a scientist" he said just as matter-of-factly as if he sold shower curtain rings.
That sounds pretty good, doesn't it? Try saying it by yourself there at home in the tub. "I'm a scientist"
He said he didn't have any problem with me using it.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

foolproof plan

Until [very] recently I'd been keeping track, in my tiny mind, just exactly how much snow had accumulated this winter. This is no longer either possible or necessary. How do I feel at this moment you ask? Tense. I have to move soon. There are so many details. The Devil Is in the details. I should give myself a break. And some credit. I don't know maybe you should too. Who are you anyway? Why are all these sentences so short?

Following a dreadfully cold and painfully depressing weekend Monday came as some relief. I drove a bunch of people around town [one or 2 at a time] and they payed me for my service. We talked and talked some more and they seemed an odd combination of emotions. They are worried about their jobs but they feel like something special is happening in Washington or maybe not. They are young. Going to college in Autumn. They are old and in pain. They went to the movies. They are Irish or originally from Bangor Maine. They are foreign workers on an oil tanker. They work at the mall. They voted for the other guy.
Sometimes they almost cry. And somehow it all works perfectly.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


I had three decent nights this week and the other two weren't horrible. So, considering I'm working Saturday night as well it should be a good week financially and I can start to catch up on some bills. Sunday will be reserved for football only. There are only four teams left so there are no frauds left like the Giants for example. Hate the Giants.
My heart wants Arizona but my head says Philadelphia and Pittsburgh will face off in the big game.
They [them who decides such things] let me go home early tonight and so, after my version of the evening martini I revisited "Adaptation" staring Nicolas Cage, Meryl Streep, Chris Cooper and Nicolas Cage. This film easily makes it into my all time top 25. There's a scene near the end when both brothers are hiding in the woods and talking:
Charlie Kaufman: There was this time in high school. I was watching you out the library window. You were talking to Sarah Marsh.
Donald Kaufman: Oh, God. I was so in love with her.
Charlie Kaufman: I know. And you were flirting with her. And she was being really sweet to you.
Donald Kaufman: I remember that.
Charlie Kaufman: Then, when you walked away, she started making fun of you with Kim Canetti. And it was like they were laughing at *me*. You didn't know at all. You seemed so happy.
Donald Kaufman: I knew. I heard them.
Charlie Kaufman: How come you looked so happy?
Donald Kaufman: I loved Sarah, Charles. It was mine, that love. I owned it. Even Sarah didn't have the right to take it away. I can love whoever I want.
Charlie Kaufman: But she thought you were pathetic.
Donald Kaufman: That was her business, not mine. You are what you love, not what loves you. That's what I decided a long time ago.
Charlie Kaufman: Thank you.
Donald Kaufman: For what?

Friday, January 16, 2009

Chesley and Jerry

This "Miracle on the Hudson" thing is absolutely amazing to me. Pilot Chesley Sullenberger had the knowledge and experience to react in a totally stressful situation. He kept his cool and gently landed the plane on the river [the only place he could have] saving all 155 people on board. This man is a true hero and this is probably the most uplifting news story since Rush Limbaugh got busted for drugs.
Naturally this was the talk of the evening. One woman I spoke with said that god must have been with them. I asked her why god put that flock of geese in front of the plane in the first place but she did not know.
Sullenberger. Sounds German.
Anyway I digress as people often do.
This week we lost one of our favorite customers. It came as a shock because the dude was only 44. Heart Attack. Jerry was always joking and laughing and even though he had problems like everyone else he would never leave us without a laugh and a tip. All week the drivers have been trading stories about Jerry. I remember one time he asked me to drive around the rotary 5 or 6 times just for the fun of it, roaring laughing as we spun 'round.
Once while I was on the dispatch desk I completely forgot him and he waited way too long for the cab. The next time I drove him I said hey man the ride is on me, my treat for messing up but he'd have no part of it and even tipped me a little more than usual.
People live on in our memories and in our hearts.

Well, it is minus eight fahrenheit right now at 5:00am with an expected high of 16. That's not counting wind chill which is a concept I have my doubts about anyway. I mean I think its usually an exaggeration. I should sleep. Goodnight you little buggers and keep warm please.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Life or Something Like It

My final fare on Monday night was an interesting one indeed.
He had missed his train and so decided to have dinner and then take a taxi home. The service was apparently horrible at the restaurant including being served the wrong food. He talked about a cleaners where he had dropped his laundry to be washed and folded but they only ran it through the dryer without washing it.
"None necessary" i said when offered an apology for his rant.
He went on to tell me that he just does not like people at this point in his life. He had just gotten out of jail where he had to stay for a long time, more than four years.
My first reaction was to want to know what he had done to deserve such a fate but it didn't feel right to ask. If he wants to tell me he will and that's it that's all there is.
I continued on toward his home which is in a particularly run down section and as we drove he told a horrific story of losing a daughter to a drunk driver. After that, in his words he "lost it."
This drunk driver actually killed 2 girls in that accident and was released from prison after only around two years, less than half of his own sentence. He never said what he was convicted of but at this point that seems a minor detail.
Now he's involved in helping drug addicts to get their lives turned around and plans to make a career out of it.
I salute this man.